Procurement Portal
CDBG-DR Staff Augmentation
2. Terms and Conditions
2.1. Special Conditions
- RFP Closing Date
Bids must be received through the County's eProcurement Portal before 3:01 pm on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Bids received after this time will not be considered. - Pre-proposal Conference
- A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:30 am on Tuesday, September 26, 2023
- Thomas C. Kelly County Administration Building Purchasing Conference - Room 302 123 W. Indiana Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 215 934 396 727 Passcode: ParoiL Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 386-456-3479,,577845118# United States, Daytona Beach Phone Conference ID: 577 845 118#.
- While this is not mandatory, all interested parties are encouraged to attend and participate.
- In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to participate in the proceedings, or an interpreter to participate in any proceedings, should contact the County’s ADA Coordinator at 386‑248‑1760 for assistance, at least two (2) business days before any meeting date. Assisted listening system receivers are available for the hearing impaired, and can be obtained from the Deputy Clerk by contacting the County’s ADA Coordinator at 386-248-1760. Read the full ADA Notice under The American with Disabilities Act (Title II), at Read the County of Volusia Grievance Procedure under The Americans with Disabilities Act (Title II).
- Non-mandatory Pre-proposal : You may RSVP via the County's eProcurement Portal. The County will electronically record attendance of the firms via the County's eProcurement Portal. Additionally, the County of Volusia reserves the right to add a second mandatory pre-bid meeting, if the County deems it necessary.
2.2. Authorized Official
The proposal submission and all required forms must be submitted/signed by an official authorized to legally bind the Respondent to all Solicitation provisions. A Memorandum of Authority may be submitted to document that the individual is authorized to commit the firm to a contract.
2.3. Evaluation Criteria
Each Proposal submittal shall be evaluated for conformance as responsive and responsible using the following criteria:
- That all proposal documentation was submitted timely and in conformance with all requirements of the RFP.
- That the following elements of Contractor’s proposal meet or exceed the requirements of this RFP and cumulatively provide the service and benefits to the County deemed to be in the best interest of the public:
- Pricing
- Qualifications of the firm
- Personnel - Qualifications of the employees that will be assigned to the County
- Experience in providing similar services / references, including timeliness of performance; in order to evaluate past performance, all proposer are required to submit three (3) references illustrating relevant service that are the same or similar to the magnitude of this RFP. For company name and/or ownership changes, appropriate documentation shall be required
- Plan of Approach
2.4. Evaluation Method
The County will appoint a committee consisting of department staff to evaluate the proposals and to make recommendation to the County Council. The County will be the sole judge of its own best interests, the proposals, and the resulting Contract (Sample Contract/Agreement to be posted). The County’s decisions will be final. Award will be made to the proposal(s), which present the best value to the County based on the entire evaluation process and all the information gathered. The County may require the short-listed firm (s), if applicable, to do an oral presentation or have discussions by the proposed team relative to their specific experience on similar projects. Although each member independently examines the proposals prior to the meeting, the short-listing or selection of the firms is determined by the consensus of the committee at the meeting.
Note: Respondents are prohibited from contacting any of the committee members, other than the Procurement Analyst prior to the recommendation of award from the committee.
2.5. Proposal Acceptance/Rejection
The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this RFP, or to negotiate separately with competing Respondents, and to waive any informalities, defects, or irregularities in any proposal, or to accept that proposal or proposals, which in the judgment of the proper officials, is in the best interest of the County.
2.6. Proposal Acceptance Period
Any Proposal in response to this RFP shall be valid through January 31, 2024. At the end of this time the proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the Respondent if no award has been made. If the Proposal is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. The County reserves the right to request an extension of the proposals if a Contract has not been executed by January 31, 2024.
2.7. Payment Terms
- The County will remit full payment on all undisputed invoices within thirty (30) days from receipt by the appropriate person(s) (to be designated at time of Agreement) of the invoice(s) or receipt of all products or services ordered.
- In accordance with Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR Part 1315, the County will pay interest not to exceed one percent (1%) per month on all undisputed invoices not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date.
- The County has the capability of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). List any discounts for prompt payment and/or willingness to accept Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and the discount to be applied to such payments. Contractors offering prompt payment discounts, for example, 1% - net 10, the discount shall be taken if the check issue date is within specified time period from date of invoice.
By submitting a Proposal (offer) to the County of Volusia, Florida, the Contractor expressly agrees that, if awarded an Agreement, the County may withhold from any payment monies owed by the Contractor to the County for any legal obligation between the Respondent and the County including, but not limited to, real property taxes, personal property taxes, fees, and commissions.
2.8. Award Term
The County is looking to promote partnership relationships within the policies and procedures of public procurement. Pursuant toward that end, the successful Contractor(s) shall be awarded an Agreement for an initial (4) four year term with the option for (2) subsequent one (1) year renewals.. All renewals will be contingent upon mutual written agreement and, when applicable, approval of County Council.
2.9. Price Redeterminations
Once each year during the term of the Contract, including any extension or renewal periods thereof, the Contractor may, but is not obligated to, petition the Director of Purchasing and Contracts for one or more price redeterminations where such price redetermination(s) is/are necessitated by documented increases in the cost of wages or fuel. Petitions for price redeterminations shall be made within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date of the Contract (i.e., the calendar day and month when the Contract became effective) and only after the Contract has been in effect for at least one year. Any such petition shall be made pursuant to the provisions of this Section and only for those price redetermination categories specified herein. Unless otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, no other price redeterminations shall be allowed. All price redeterminations, once issued, shall be prospective from the date of approval unless otherwise approved by a duly executed amendment to this Agreement.
- Basis for Price Redeterminations. The Contractor may petition the Director of Purchasing and Contracts for price redetermination based on the increased costs of wages, fuel, or materials. Price redeterminations will be based solely upon changes in pricing or costs documented by either the Employment Cost Index (ECI) or Producer Price Index (PPI), whichever is applicable, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The base index number for the ECI will be for the quarter in which the RFP opens. The base index number for the PPI will be for the month the RFP opens. Any subsequent price redeterminations will use the last price redetermination approved for that price redetermination category as the “base index number.” The County shall have the right to audit the Contractor’s records, including, but not limited to, payroll, materials, and fuel cost records, to verify or otherwise investigate the validity of any price redetermination request.
- Wage Price Redetermination. When requesting a price redetermination based upon an increase in wage costs, the Contractor shall refer to and utilize the Employment Cost Index, Total Compensation, Private Industry, Index Number, and Occupational Group at as prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor The base figure will be tied to Management, professional, and related occupations under the heading Service Providing Industries. Wage price redetermination increases shall be granted only by reason of wage increases associated with the Contractor’s employees or subcontractors performing work or services pursuant to the Agreement.
- Minimum Wage Price Redetermination. If the minimum wage increases during the term of the Agreement, including any renewal or extension period thereunder, the Contractor may petition the Director of Purchasing and Contracts for price redetermination for those job categories where the pay to the Contractor’s employee(s) is the current minimum wage. Upon verification of the information provided, the County will grant an increase of exactly the amount of the minimum wage increase (not the percentage increase). The Contractor must increase the pay to the employee(s) by the amount the Contractor has requested, which shall not exceed the amount of the minimum wage increase. The amount paid to the Contractor will be the increase plus any written and documented increase in FICA, Medicare, and Workers' Compensation insurance. The Contractor must supply written documentation of any other increase that is beyond the scope and control of the Contractor. All written documentation must satisfy the reasonable expectations of the Director of Purchasing and Contracts and Internal Auditor.
- Example: Minimum wage increases from $7.31 to $7.56 per hour. The Contractor may petition for an increase of $0.25 per hour to be paid to the affected employee(s) and shall provide written and documented cost increases for FICA, Medicare and Workers' Compensation. The resulting increase in costs shall be incorporated into fees/rates billed to the County.
- If the Contractor bills the County at a higher price according to any price redetermination granted by the County, and the Contractor fails to increase the hourly rate paid to the employee for the same period, the Contractor will be considered in Agreement default and the Agreement will be immediately terminated.
- Fuel Price Redetermination. If/when the price of fuel increases by a minimum of ten (10%) percent, the Contractor may petition the Director of Purchasing and Contracts for a fuel price redetermination. As a condition of petitioning for a fuel price increase, the Contractor shall be required to petition for a fuel price redetermination decrease if/when the price of fuel decreases by a minimum of ten (10%) percent. Failure to make such petition may be grounds for Agreement termination and shall entitle the County to a refund of the cumulative increase in pay to the Contractor due to any prior fuel price redetermination increase(s). Fuel price redetermination must be based solely upon changes as documented by the Producer Price Index (PPI) for the commodities “Unleaded Gasoline - WPU057104” or “#2 diesel fuel - WPU057303,” as such may be applicable to the Contractor’s operations in connection with the Contractor’s performance of the Agreement.
- Price Redetermination Calculation. All Price Redeterminations shall be calculated as follows:
- Example: Contractor indicated on the Submittal Form that thirty percent (30%) of the cost to provide the product/service is directly attributed to the redetermination category (wages or fuel).
Current applicable PPI = ...................................................... $200.50
Base index PPI = .............................................. - $179.20
PPI increase dollars = ………...…………………………..… $21.30
PPI increase percentage ($21.30 ¸ $179.20 = .1189)……...…………….11.9%
Unit cost of the service is....................................................................... $100.00
30% of $100.00 is directly attributed to the redetermination category.... $30.00
$30.00 × 11.9% = .......................................................... $3.57
New unit price for the product/service is ($100 + $3.57)....................... $103.57
- Expiration Upon Failure to Agree to Price Redetermination. If the County and the Contractor cannot agree to a price redetermination pursuant to the terms and conditions of this section, then the Agreement will automatically expire without penalty or further expense to either party after a period of six (6) months following the Contractor’s initial request for such price redetermination. Requests for price redeterminations not made in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be deemed null and void and shall not be a valid reason or pretext for expiration or termination of the Agreement. If the Agreement expires pursuant to the terms and conditions of this section, the County reserves the right, at no expense, penalty, or consequence to the County, to award any remaining tasks thereunder to the next available most responsive and responsible Contractor.
2.10. Termination
- The resulting Contract may be terminated by either party upon the material breach by the other party if such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days written notice from the non-breaching party.
- County may terminate this Agreement upon at least thirty (30) days days prior written notice to Contractor.
- Contractor may terminate this Agreement upon at least one hundred eighty (180) days days written notice to the Director of Purchasing and Contracts. Failure to provide proper notice to the County may result in the Contractor being barred from future business with the County.
- After Contractor’s receipt of a notice of termination pursuant to Paragraph 1 above (or to the extent Contractor has not cured a material breach within thirty (30) days notice from County), and except as otherwise directed by the County, the Contractor shall:
- Stop work under the Contract or applicable statement of work on the date specified in the notice of termination.
- Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities.
- Terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work or services terminated by the notice of termination.
- With the approval of the County and to the extent required by the County, settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts. County's approval of such settlements shall be final for all the purposes of this Section, Termination.
- After receipt of a notice of termination, the Contractor shall submit to the County its termination claim for amounts owed by County (which shall include, without limitation, all amounts due for work or services performed through the date of termination), in the form and with a certification as prescribed by the County. Such claim shall be submitted promptly but in no event later than thirty (30) days from the effective date of termination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the County, upon request of the Contractor made in writing within such thirty (30) days period or authorized extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor to submit its termination claim within the time allowed, the County may determine on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the amount so determined. In the event County terminates for convenience or non-appropriation, Contractor shall not be obligated to refund to County any prepaid fees.
- Non-Appropriation. The resulting Contract may be terminated by the County or Contractor if the County does not appropriate the funding in any fiscal year necessary to pay the compensation set forth in the Article entitled Compensation in the resulting Contract.
- In the event that the resulting Contract is terminated by the County or Contractor for non-appropriation, Contractor shall be paid in accordance with terms of the Article entitled Compensation in the resulting Contract. Contractor shall be paid (a) to the date of termination on a prorated basis for any task and deliverable designated for payment that was started but not completed and/or (b) for any work or deliverable that has been completed but not yet been paid. County’s obligation to pay Contractor under this Section, Termination, and the resulting Contract is limited to the budgeted amount for the fiscal year approved by the Volusia County Council for the then current fiscal year of the resulting Contract. Contractor shall have no right to compel the Volusia County Council to appropriate funds for any fiscal year to pay the compensation.
- Upon being notified of County’s election to terminate for default of Contractor, non-appropriation or convenience, Contractor and its Subcontractors shall refrain from performing further work or incurring additional expenses under the terms of the resulting Contract which is not specifically authorized in the notice of termination.
- If termination of the resulting Contract occurs for any reason:
- Except as otherwise provided in the resulting Contract, Contractor shall return to the County, or destroy, all County confidential information in Contractor’ possession and shall certify the destruction or return of said information in a written document signed by the duly authorized representative of the Contractor that all such information has been destroyed or returned, provided that Contractor shall be permitted to retain an archival copy of any such confidential information (provided it continues to maintain the confidentiality of such as prescribed herein) to the extent necessary to have a record of the work or service performed hereunder.
- For all undisputed outstanding invoices submitted to the County for Work completed or deliverables delivered prior to the effective date of the termination, the County shall cause payments to be made to Contractor within forty-five (45) days of receipt of invoice. Contractor shall invoice the County for any sums Contractor claims to be owed by County under the resulting Contract for work performed from the last invoice to the effective date of termination. County shall review such invoice for payment within fifteen (15) days of receipt and County shall pay any undisputed amount within forty-five (45) days, subject to the Article entitled Compensation in the resulting Contract. Any disputed amounts on any invoices shall be subject to the dispute resolution process set forth in the Article entitled Dispute Resolution in the resulting Contract.
- In the event of termination by the County for non-appropriation, for all items or products ordered by Contractor before receipt by Contractor of the Notice of Termination which Contractor could not cancel without imposition of a fee, the County shall cause payments to be made to Contractor within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an undisputed invoice for all cancellation, restocking or residual fees resulting from the cancellation or return of third party products ordered from or shipped by the vendor thereof prior to the effective date of the termination.
2.11. Damages
Due to the nature of the services to be provided and the potential impact to the County for loss, the Contractor cannot disclaim consequential or special damages related to the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor shall be responsible and accountable for any and all damages, directly or indirectly, caused by the actions or inaction of its employees, staff, or Subcontractors. There are no limitations to this liability.
2.12. Post-Proposal Discussions with Respondents
It is the County’s intent to award a Contract(s) to the Respondent(s) deemed most advantageous to the County in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in this RFP. The County reserves the right, however, to conduct post-closing discussions with any Respondent who has a realistic possibility of Contract award including, but not limited to, requests for additional information and competitive negotiations.
2.13. Presentations by Respondents
- The County of Volusia, at its sole discretion, may ask individual Respondents to make oral presentations and/or demonstrations without charge to the County.
- The County reserves the right to require any Respondent to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County that the Respondent has the fiscal and managerial abilities to properly furnish the services proposed and required to fulfill the requirements of the RFP. The demonstration must satisfy the County and the County shall be the sole judge of compliance.
- Respondents are cautioned not to assume that presentations will be required and should include all pertinent and required information in their original proposal package.