Procurement Portal
ADMIN - Supportive Services For Homeless Youth & Families
Post Information
- Posted At:
- Fri, Feb 17, 2023 5:38 PM
- Sealed Bid Process:
- Yes (Bids Unsealed / Pricing Unsealed)
- Private Bid:
- No
The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) was created by California State legislation (Assembly Bill 2994), enacted in 1983, to provide funding for child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention programs operated by private non-profit organizations or public institutions of higher education with recognized expertise related to child well-being. Funding for the CTF is derived primarily from a portion of the fees charged for certified copies of birth certificates in Sacramento County. The CTF may be augmented by grants, gifts, and bequests from private sources, tax appeals, and/or funds appropriated to Sacramento County for the CTF by the California State Legislature.
County Boards of Supervisors may designate a local voluntary commission, board, or council to carry out the purposes of the legislation establishing the CTF. Accordingly, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors appointed the Children’s Coalition (Coalition), an advisory board composed of community volunteers, as the body responsible for administering the CTF and conducting its competitive bid/selection processes. The CTF Committee has been delegated by the Coalition to carry out this competitive bid/selection process by issuing this RFP. The Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services is the fiscal agent for the Children's Coalition, therefore awards will result in contracts with the County.
The Coalition is made up of a broad range of individuals who intersect with various children’s systems in Sacramento County, such as education, physical and mental health, child advocacy, child care, and social services.
In August 2021, the Coalition held community listening sessions to receive feedback from parents, caregivers, and other community partners about their experiences, and the challenges and needs families were facing at the time. Feedback from attendees included:
- “Honestly, that’s why I became a stay-at-home dad…. I didn’t need to make $25/hour just to break even on child care….” (Attendee/parent of 2 children and/or youth, Kiwanis Club Convening)
- 48% of attendees said that lack of housing is one of the biggest challenges their family is facing right now; 36% cited lack of child care.
- 43% of attendees said that the most important data points shared about safety pertained to children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness.
- In Sacramento County, almost a third of middle schoolers and over a third of high schoolers report experiencing chronic feelings of sadness and hopelessness.
It cannot go without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic had changed the lives of Sacramento County children, youth, and families. While society continues to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns about behavioral health issues among children and youth remain, the number of available child care spaces remains stagnant, and the number of children and families experiencing homelessness and housing instability has increased.
In September of 2022, the SCCC held its annual member retreat and identified its advocacy priorities for 2023, based on what was shared in the listening sessions:
1. Unhoused/housing issues affecting children/families
2. Child/Youth Mental Health
3. Child Care
Self-sufficiency and health continue to be a top goal for working families in Sacramento County. Although efforts are in place, this continues to be a struggle. Rent, unemployment, food, child care costs, and health care costs have all increased, but wages are not keeping pace. In response to these identified community needs, the Coalition is releasing three RFPs to fund services and support for children, youth and families as they work toward self-sufficiency, safety, and well-being. The Coalition recognizes that true child abuse prevention and early intervention starts with addressing social determinants of health.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to further supportive services for homeless youth and families.
This project will be funded with Children's Trust Fund dollars.
Time: Mar 10, 2023 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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