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Affordable Housing Development and Preservation NOFA
Request For Proposal
Human Services
Project ID: HOUSING-AHP-23-001
Release Date: Friday, May 12, 2023
· Due Date: Monday, June 26, 2023 2:00pm
Posted Friday, May 12, 2023 9:00am
All dates & times in Pacific Time
Question & Answer
Questions and clarifications about the project
1. Eligibility May 12 2023 at 11:40 AM
- May 12 2023 at 11:40 AMPierce County
We are a for-profit that operates like a nonprofit senior living provider that serves low-income population who are on Medicaid under an assisted living license. We have a mental health assisted living where 75% are men and most/all have a severe mental health diagnosis. They would otherwise be homeless. We get a lot from hospitals and homeless shelters and the VA. Medicaid only funds us at about 67% level, and they only pay for hands-on ADL care, so there’s a chronic financial gap in keeping our doors open. Our challenge is that our mental health individuals need counseling, peer support, addiction support services and we do not get funding for those, leaving our nurses and caregivers struggling. I have 3 properties all in Tacoma that serve low income Seniors, and have delayed maintenance for many years because of lack of proper funding. My locations in need: 1. NW Retirement Center at 610 North Fife St, Tacoma WA, the GOAL: build new units to house more low-income mental health adults, expanding the building footprint 2. Cascade Park Vista at 242 Saint Helens Ave, Tacoma WA, the GOAL: fix the leaking roof and upgrade the outside of the building. I don’t know the cost of a new roof, but the outside upgrade is about $1M alone. 3. Peoples Retirement at 1720 E. 67th St, Tacoma WA, the GOAL: same as the Vista, fix the leaking roof and upgrade the outside of the building. I don’t know the cost of a new roof, but the outside upgrade is about $1M alone. 4. Need to hire MSW social worker, Peer Support Specialist, and contract with a pharmacist whose specialty is drug interactions with chronic addictions to keep our mental health population stable vs discharging We partner with local hospitals/health systems for wrap-around services, but the individual must have insurance to cover this, we cannot cover that cost. The person must also be approved for Medicaid long-term care to live in assisted living. Do you think this RFP makes sense for us to pursue to garner funding to build additional units, fix our roofs and outside siding of the building? If not this one, is there another one open or coming open that might make sense for us to pursue? To clarify, there is a total bucket of $6.2M total, not per application approved? - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
There is a total amount available of $6,272,732. The County will have one affordable housing NOFA in 2023 so there will be no further NOFA's to pursue from the County. This NOFA can fund capital improvements for eligible affordable housing projects. You will need to determine whether or not it makes sense for your organization to apply for funding.
2. Rehab activity eligibility May 15 2023 at 12:02 PM
- Anonymous May 15 2023 at 12:02 PMUser information is private
A number of our affordable housing units are in need of complete replacement of paint, flooring, carpet, cabinets, fixtures, and appliances. Is this an eligible activity under this NOFA? Thank you! - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
Yes. Rehabilitation of existing affordable housing is an eligible activity for capital projects.
3. Format Question May 26 2023 at 9:56 AM
- Anonymous May 26 2023 at 9:56 AMUser information is private
If we decide that we want to apply for construction on two separate properties, we would need to fill out two separate applications and two separate budgets, correct? - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
A “project” is defined as one or more buildings on a single site or multiple sites that are under common ownership, management, and financing that is done as a single undertaking. If what you propose is under common ownership, management, financing and is being done as a single undertaking it would be considered one project and only one application is needed.
4. Evergreen Standards May 29 2023 at 11:48 AM
- Anonymous May 29 2023 at 11:48 AMUser information is private
The Pierce County form with tab 2C refers to the Evergreen Standards v3.0. The Evergreen website now says that v4.0 is now in effect. Can you please confirm which version we are to use, and if it’s 4.0 is there a new version of the Excel form that matches up? Some of the categories are slightly different. - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
Please use the existing checklist in the application. We are unaware of the v4.0. Note that we do not require the evergreen standards so form updates can be submitted after the application is submitted.
5. No subject Jun 5 2023 at 11:13 AM
- Jun 5 2023 at 11:13 AMPierce County
Clarity Guardians owns a historical Tacoma building (2928 S Union Ave, 98409) which could better serve the community. Ideas include micro apartments or group units designed specifically for the DDA community. Is there time to prepare and submit a bid to renovate the building for multifamily use? - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
You still have two weeks to prepare an application in response to the NOFA. The application deadline is 2pm, June 26, 2023.
6. NOFA question - addenda requirements Jun 6 2023 at 2:30 PM
- Anonymous Jun 6 2023 at 2:30 PMUser information is private
The Sponsor organization is a large organization with many accounts and investments. Can we submit interim financial statements in lieu of bank statements? - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
Submitting the attachments is optional. You can submit bank statements for now, however additional information may be requested after the application is submitted.
7. rents Jun 9 2023 at 1:58 PM
- Anonymous Jun 9 2023 at 1:58 PMUser information is private
. 2022 rents are listed in the NOFA. Can we use the 2023 rents in the operating pro forma since they are now available? - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
Yes you can.
8. appraisal Jun 9 2023 at 1:58 PM
- Anonymous Jun 9 2023 at 1:58 PMUser information is private
The site is owned by a project partner. Do we need to do an appraisal or can we use assessor's records? There may be an appraisal but it is more than 1 year old. Is that acceptable if you will not accept assessors office data? - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
An appraisal is not required to submit the application but may be requested later.
9. relocation Jun 9 2023 at 1:59 PM
- Anonymous Jun 9 2023 at 1:59 PMUser information is private
Do we need a complete relocation plan for the submittal? There is 1 tenant that needs to be relocated. - Jun 12 2023 at 4:18 PMPierce County
A separate relocation plan is not required to submit the application but may be requested later.