Procurement Portal
Marketing, Design and Communications Services for 100% Carbon-Free by 2030
- 1. Introduction
- 2. General Instructions
- 3. Scope of Work
- 4. City Requirements
- 5. Insurance Requirements
- 6. Sample Price Proposal
- 7. Review and Award Recommendation Process
- 8. Public Contract Claims Procedure
- 9. General Requirements
- 10. Evaluation Criteria
- 11. Attachments
- 12. Submittal Instructions
- 13. Submittals/Checklist
2. General Instructions
All responses to this Request for Proposal (RFP) accepted by the City of Pasadena (City) shall become the exclusive property of the City. At such time as the City Manager recommends a contractor to the City Council, and such recommendation, with any recommended contract appears on the Council agenda, all proposals accepted by the City shall become a matter of public record and shall be regarded as public, with the exception of those elements of each proposal which are defined by the contractor as business or trade secrets and plainly marked as "Trade Secret", "Confidential" or "Proprietary". Each element of a proposal which a contractor desires not to be considered a public record must be clearly marked as set forth above, and any blanket statement (i.e. regarding entire pages, documents or other non-specific designations) shall not be sufficient and shall not bind the City in any way whatsoever. If disclosure is required or permitted under the California Public Records Act or otherwise by law, the City shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such records or part thereof.
2.2. Electronic Submission and Delivery Instructions
Parties interested in responding are required to submit proposals electronically through the City of Pasadena's eProcurement Portal no later than 3:00 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Please upload sufficiently early electronically through the city's eProcurement Portal before the time and day listed in the Notice Inviting Proposals. Proposals must be received in the system prior to the deadline.
The entire proposal must be formatted on standard-size 8½”x11” pages; 12 point font only. The "Technical Proposal," "Additional Data," and "Statement of Qualifications" can be no more than 50 grand total pages.
The Price Proposal must include all costs associated with the Technical Proposal as described in the Price Proposal instructions in the “#Proposer's Submittals/Checklist.”
The Technical Proposal should disclose your technical approach in as much detail as possible, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the technical proposal instructions. Along with all required forms and submittals (See #Attachments, and #Proposer's Submittals/Checklist. No Pricing shall be included in this part.
Proposals received after the Proposal Deadline may not be accepted by the City.
2.3. Separation of Technical, and Price Proposals
The proposal must be prepared in two parts: a "Technical Proposal" and a "Price Proposal." Each of the parts shall be separate and complete in itself so evaluation of one may be accomplished separate from the evaluation of the other.
1. The Price Proposal must include all costs associated with the Technical Proposal as described in the Price Proposal instructions in the “Submittals/Checklist.”
Parties interested in responding are required to submit their Price Proposal with their Technical proposal through the City's eProcurement Portal.
The pricing must include the total price proposed to accomplish all the performance and deliverables requested in this RFP, and offered by your firm. Each Proposer must submit a Price Proposal containing all costs associated with the technical proposal. The price proposal shall describe both the total and the detailed price for which the consultant will commit to complete the total scope of work and end products. The price proposal detail shall describe costs for each professional’s time, for the completion of each proposed task, and for all materials and supplies.
The fee information is relevant to a determination of whether the fee is fair and reasonable in light of the services to be provided. Costs shall include the proposed costs and, if necessary, the approximate number of hours to provide the services as described in your proposal. Any additional fees outside the scope of the agreement must be approved in writing before commencing services for said fees. Vendor’s RFP response must be inclusive of all costs and expenses associated with travel, lodging, and any other incidental costs. The City will not separately reimburse costs not included in the proposal.
2. The Technical Proposal should disclose your technical approach in as much detail as possible, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the technical proposal instructions. Along with all required forms and submittals (See #Attachments, and Submittals/Checklist. No Pricing shall be included in this part.
Reimbursable cost schedules shall depict only those expenditures that are exclusive to and in support of the scope of services. The proposed reimbursable cost schedule shall include a detailed list of reimbursables.
A contract will not be awarded to a consultant without an adequate financial management and accounting system as required by 48 CFR Part 31 and 2 CFR Part 200.
Each Proposer must submit a PRICE Proposal containing all costs associated with the technical proposal. Using the attached Price Proposal in this RFP, provide Proposer’s lump-sum price for performing all services and work called for in the SCOPE OF WORK. The Proposer’s lump-sum price shall include, without limitation:
- all designs, equipment, materials, labor, insurance and bond premiums, home office, jobsite, and other overhead, profit and services relating to the Proposer’s performance of its obligations under the Contract (including all work, equipment, materials, labor, and services provided by subcontractors and intellectual property rights necessary to perform the work);
performance of each and every portion of the work - all costs of obtaining Government approvals other than Government approvals that are the responsibility of the City of Pasadena;
- all costs of compliance with Government rules, except to the extent such compliance is the responsibility of the City of Pasadena;
- all taxes, duties, permits, and other fees or royalties incident to the performance of the SCOPE OF WORK;
payment of all salaries, wages, benefits, and expenses of the Proposer’s employees;
compensation for all risks, liabilities, and contingencies assigned to the Proposer; and - all other costs needed or incurred to complete the Project.
2.4. Pre-Proposal Meeting
See the "Timeline" in the Introduction section (#Introduction). If there is a Mandatory pre-proposal meeting, bidders/proposers are required to attend at the time, date, and location included in the Timeline. If there is a Non-Mandatory pre-proposal meeting, bidders/proposers are not required to attend.
Each bidder/proposer will have the opportunity to clarify and ask questions regarding the Specifications. The Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held at the time, date, and location in the Timeline of this solicitation.
2.5. Definitions
The words (A) "City", (B) "Department", (C) "Director", or (D) "Contractor", as used in this RFP, shall be understood to refer respectively to (A) the City of Pasadena, California; (B) the several departments therein; (C) the directors of the several City departments; or any of their properly authorized assistants; and ( D) the person, firm or corporation with whom the contract is made by said City or the agent or legal representative who may be appointed to represent such person, firm or corporation in the signing and performance of said contract.