Procurement Portal
Digital Advertising Services
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Scope of Work, Goals, Expectations and Requirements
- 3. General Instructions
- 4. Solicitation Instructions
- 5. Required Certifications
- 6. Selection Process
- 7. Minority, Women, Small Business (MWSBE) Enterprise
- 8. Insurance Requirements
- 9. Terms and Conditions
- 10. Ethical Business Practices
- 11. Evaluation Criteria
- 12. Submittals
- 13. Pricing Proposal
- 14. Attachments
11. Evaluation Criteria
Actual rating for each criteria may range from zero (lowest rating) to the maximum rating points for that criteria
Proposals will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the following considerations:
1. TAB 1: Organizational Structure/Client Overview
Shall consider the following:
- The capabilities of the team members who would be assigned to the team.
- The depth of the agency's overall composition of client accounts.
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 5 (5% of Total)
2. TAB 2: Pertinent Experience
Shall consider the following criteria:
- Demonstrated experience in developing strategic and actionable annual marketing campaigns.
- Relevant content of campaigns, case studies and references provided.
- Relevant awards, recognitions or accolades received.
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 20 (20% of Total)
3. TAB 3: Creative and Strategic Approach
Shall consider the following criteria:
- How well the agency will develop and execute engaging marketing/activations in key markets to creatively showcase the destination.
- How well the agency describes their approach to developing and executing a comprehensive annual media plan.
- How well the agency describes conceptualizing and implementing experiential marketing activations in key markets
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 25 (25% of Total)
4. TAB 4: Technical Approach / Market Research Utilization and Certifications
Shall consider the following criteria:
- How well the agency will coordinate with Visit Tallahassee marketing staff to develop a strategic and actionable annual marketing campaign.
- The relevancy of the example of a campaign, relationship, plan or project provided.
- The significance of the case study of a campaign or project where your agency successfully used third-party data to identify a need/problem resulting in a successful campaign.
- Research Training Certifications.
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 28 (28% of Total)
5. Minority/Women Business Enterprise Utilization
To be eligible for evaluation, all MWBE Section Forms must be located in your response. The MWSBE Division will deem responses responsive to the MWBE Section of the solicitation if they include a completed MWBE Participation Plan that is eligible for points and/or Good Faith Effort documentation. Points for Minority/Women Business Enterprise Utilization will be awarded by the MWSBE Office as outlined below:
If you are unable to meet the project specific goal for MBE and WBE participation, you must submit a Good Faith Effort Form documenting your efforts to identify MBE and WBE firms to participate in order for your response to remain responsive to this solicitation.
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 10 (10% of Total)
6. MWBE Joint Venture
**2 Additional Points are available for demonstrating Joint Venture, Partnership, or Association; Mentor-Protégé; or Apprenticeship/Externship on the MWBE Participation Plan Form.
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 2 (2% of Total)
7. Proposer's Fixed Monthly Fee
The Proposer with the lowest fee will receive five (5) points. Proposer's with a higher fee will receive fewer points, on a pro‐rata basis, using the formula below:
(L / P) X 5
L = Lowest fee proposed
P = Proposer's Fee
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 5 (5% of Total)
8. Local Preference
Points for Local Preference will be awarded as follows:
- Individuals or firms which have a home office located within Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, or Jefferson County, and which have been certified by the Leon County Purchasing Division as a Local Business, as set forth in this RFP, shall be given a preference in the amount of five percent (five (5) points out of the 100 maximum points allowed); and
- Individuals or firms which do not have a home office located within Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, or Jefferson County, and which have been certified by the Leon County Purchasing Division as a Local Business, as set forth in this RFP, shall be given a preference in the amount of three percent (three (3) points out of the 100 maximum points allowed); and
- All other individuals or firms shall be given zero (0) points for Local Preference.
For the purposes of this section, "home office" shall mean a business's principal office or headquarters constituting the center for administration and policymaking.
- Scoring Method:
- Points Based
- Weight (Points):
- 5 (5% of Total)