Procurement Portal
Library Strategic Plan
Post Information
- Posted At:
- Thu, Nov 16, 2023 3:40 PM
- Sealed Bid Process:
- Yes (Bids Unsealed / Pricing Unsealed)
- Private Bid:
- No
1. Introduction
The City of Hayward (hereinafter “City”) seeks a firm or consultant to conduct and facilitate a comprehensive strategic planning process for Hayward Public Library (hereinafter “HPL”). HPL seeks the assistance of a consultant or consulting firm to work with its leadership team, library staff, elected and appointed officials, community stakeholders, library users, and community members to create a strategic plan for the next three to five years of library services.
- HPL expects a plan that includes prioritized goals, measurable objectives, and activities that meet community needs. The plan must be clearly articulated, including the role of HPL staff members in completing the plan. The plan should address any major fiscal or staff load impacts of the priorities and goals and include an assessment methodology.
HPL opened a new 21st Century Library and Community Learning Center in 2019 and launched a new bookmobile in 2021, but, because of the pandemic, no comprehensive plan has been made addressing the opportunities and impacts of the expanded facilities and new services that are being offered. In addition, HPL plays a key role in the multi-year City-wide Hayward Promise Neighborhood grant that provides many services to Hayward residents and has a significant impact on the workload of HPL staff but is not included in any comprehensive Library staffing plan.
Some planning work, including a community needs assessment for HPL’s Weekes branch library, was completed in January of 2023, and a staff pre-planning process in 2021. HPL also uses OrangeBoy/Savannah for detailed library use data that can be made available for use in this project. In addition, there is a city-wide Strategic Road map that includes specific roles and goals for the Library.
The consultant/firm is expected to incorporate key learnings from the Weekes study and the Strategic Road Map, as well as take into consideration the new facilities, in creating a comprehensive plan for the Library system as a whole. This plan will be driven by input from:
- City & Library stakeholders
- Community partners
- Library staff
- Library users and non-users
- English speakers and speakers of other languages, particularly Spanish and Chinese
And will draw on staff expertise/experience.
The plan will be based on a thorough understanding of current library trends and consideration of Hayward’s changing demographics and needs. The plan should provide a blueprint for revising existing services to match community interests and needs, and for adjusting current and future staffing levels and expertise to meet those needs.
1.1. Summary
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City of Hayward invites proposals for 24-024 Library Strategic Plan. Each proposal shall be in accordance with the general provisions for purchase of work and services on file in the office of the Library Services, 777 B Street, Hayward, CA 94541-5114. All proposals must be submitted to the City's eProcurement Portal by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and clearly identified with RFP title, number, company name and due date. It is the sole responsibility of the proposing firm to ensure that proposals are received prior to the closing time, as late bids will not be accepted and deemed nonresponsive.
1.2. Background
The City of Hayward, California (the City) is located in Alameda County and is known as the “Heart of the Bay” because of its central and convenient location to San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose. It is served by an extensive network of freeways and bus lines and has two BART stations and an Amtrak station. Currently, it is estimated that there are 148,000 residents of the City of Hayward with the City growing by approximately three percent since 2000.
About the City
With a population currently estimated at 162,000, Hayward is the third largest city in Alameda County. The city area includes sixty-one square miles lying between the eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay and the southern Oakland-Berkeley hills. Hayward is one of the most linguistically and ethnically diverse communities in the nation. It is also among the lowest-income communities in the Bay Area.
Hayward provides a full range of services to its residents including a robust library system. Park and recreation services are provided through partnership with the regional Hayward Area Recreational District (HARD), headquartered in the City. The City is host to two institutions of higher learning: California State University, East Bay, and Chabot College, the local community college. The Library partners closely with both institutions as well as Hayward Unified School district in serving the community. Mayor Mark Salinas, who was elected in November 2022, has expressed a priority goal of seeing Hayward designated an “Education City”.
About the Library
HPL is a municipal library operated by the Library Services Department of the City. Through its programs and services, HPL has become a well-respected institution. In 2014, Hayward residents overwhelmingly voted for a sales tax measure to support the construction of the new, LEED-Platinum, 60,000 sf, 21st Century Library and Community Learning Center (“Downtown Library”), which includes a beautiful children’s room and story time area, community meeting rooms, study rooms, a makerspace, digital media lab, after-school homework support center, technology classroom, and beautiful art displays. In addition to this state-of-the-art Library, which was opened in 2019, HPL has an approximately 8,000 sf branch located in South Hayward, Weekes Branch.
The Library Services Department consists of various divisions: Operations, Adult and Children’s Services and Programs, Education Services, and Administration.
The Operations Division is responsible for Library patron records, cataloging and facilitating public access to books, media, technology and online resources.
The Library Programs and Services Division is responsible for services for all ages that respond to community needs and interests; information and referral services; recreational and cultural materials and programs; pre-literacy programs for children; engaging teen services, and lifelong learning and self-improvement opportunities for every Hayward resident.
The Education Services Division is responsible for adult literacy and ESL programs, mobile outreach services, library and school-based after-school tutoring programs in partnership with Hayward Unified School District (HUSD), tech lending library services, and early childhood education and parenting programs in collaboration with community partners and stakeholders. HPL anticipates the launch of a Techmobile in FY25.
Administration provides leadership, oversees staffing and payroll, and management of department personnel, supplies, resources and the operating budget, the development of external resources including grants and volunteers to advance City goals and serve Hayward residents; and coordination of activities with other City departments and external agency partners; and also oversees community meeting and gathering spaces.
1.3. Contact Information
Any administrative questions regarding bidding procedures should be directed to:
Melissa Burkley
Management Analyst
888 C Street
Hayward, CA 94541
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (510) 583-4247
Rita Perez
Purchasing Manager
777 B Street
Hayward, CA 94541-5114
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (510) 583-4801
Library Services
Department Head:
Jayanti Addleman
Director of Library Services
1.4. Timeline
Meeting ID: 833 8708 7115
Passcode: 048202
Find your local number:
2. Project Details
2.1. Important Instructions for Electronic Submittal
The City of Hayward is accepting electronic bid submissions. Bidders shall create a FREE account with OpenGov Procurement by signing up at Once you have completed account registration, browse back to this page, click on "Submit Response", and follow the instructions to submit the electronic bid.
2.2. Communication Regarding this RFP
All communication from prospective proposers regarding this RFP must be submitted in the Question & Answer portal within the City's project posting. Communication by telephone or in person will not be accepted. Attempts by or on behalf of a prospective or existing vendor to contact or to influence any member of the selection committee, any member of the City Council, or any employee of the City of Hayward with regard to the acceptance of a proposal may lead to elimination of that vendor from further consideration
2.3. Last Day for Questions
All questions must be submitted to the Question & Answer portal within the City's project posting by 12:00 pm Friday, December 1, 2023. This will allow sufficient time for any addenda to be issued by the City to all bidders.
2.4. Award of Contract
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to contract work with whomever and in whatever manner the City decides, to abandon the work entirely and to waive any informality or non-substantive irregularity as the interest of the City may require and to be the sole judge of selection process. The City also reserves the right to negotiate separately in any manner to serve the best interest of the City. The City retains the right at its sole discretion to select a successful vendor.
2.5. City's Rights Reserved
- The City reserves the right to select the proposal which in its sole judgment best meets the needs of the City. The lowest proposed cost will not be the sole criterion for recommending the contract award. The recommended selection of the evaluation committee is final and subject only to review and final approval by the Steering Committee and the City Council.
- The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities and informalities when such waiver is determined by the City to be in the City’s best interest.
- The City reserves the right to retain all accepted proposals, including proprietary documentation, regardless of which proposal is selected. No proposals will be returned to vendors.
- The City reserves the right to request any supplementary information it deems necessary to evaluate proposer’s experience or qualifications. This may include supplemental financial information, additional interview(s), and/or additional presentation by the proposer.
- The City reserves the right to reconsider any proposal submitted at any stage of the procurement. It also reserves the right to meet with select proposers at any time to gather additional information. Furthermore, the City reserves the right to delete or add functionality (i.e., modules and components) until the final contract signing.
- The City reserves the right to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this RFP, including, but not limited to: selection schedule, submittal date, and submittal requirements. If the City cancels or revises this RFP, all proposers will be notified in writing by the City.
- The City reserves the right to revise the RFP prior to the date that proposals are due. The City will communicate changes through addendum to this RFP. All registered proposers will be notified of revisions to the RFP. The City reserves the right to extend the date by which the proposals are due.
- The City reserves the right to split the award from this RFP between multiple proposals when such split award is determined to be in the best interests of the City.
- The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any and all proposals and to waive informalities and minor irregularities in any proposals received. Failure to furnish all information requested or to follow the format requested herein may disqualify the proposer, in the sole discretion of the City. False, incomplete, misleading or unresponsive statements in a proposal may also be sufficient cause for a proposal’s rejection.
- This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract. All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and public records, and as such, may be subject to public review.
- The City shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by prospective vendors or selected contractors, including but not limited to costs incurred in the preparation or submission of proposals. The City shall be held harmless and free from any and all liability, claims, or expenses whatsoever incurred by, or on behalf of, any person or organization responding to this RFP.
- If the successful proposer defaults, the City may award this RFP to the next best proposal and may recover the loss occasioned by the successful proposer against a surety bond, if any, or by suit against the successful proposer.
- The City reserves the right to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this RFP including, but not limited to: selection procedures, submittal date, and submittal requirements. If the City cancels or revises the RFP, all interested firms will be notified.
- All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and public records and, as such, are subject to public review.
2.6. Protest
Should any proposer question or protest the award of the contract, such question or protest must be furnished in writing to the Purchasing Manager within three (3) calendar days after the City notifies all proposers of its Intent to Award. Such submittal must fully explain the basis of the objection supported by all relevant information facts and details. Letter must be signed by an authorized representative stating specific reason(s) for the protest including all relevant facts (law, rule, regulation, and criteria).
Questions or protests not furnished in writing as prescribed will not be accepted.
3. Scope of Work
3.1. Scope of Work
- Project Overview
- Project Goals:
HPL’s Mission is to deliver equal opportunity in education to Hayward residents, preserve and improve quality of life for all members of the community, and contribute to the ongoing health and success of a thriving Hayward.
HPL seeks to reevaluate and update its mission statement if necessary and to develop a strategic plan that aligns all Library divisions with the mission of the Department.
The strategic plan should establish goals that are grounded in a realistic assessment of existing staff responsibilities, capacity, and morale, and is bold in its approach toward building a responsive, innovative, equitable and inclusive organization that can adapt to continually evolving priorities. The plan must include an engagement element to ensure that employees understand the Department’s top priorities and strategies, as well as their individual roles in achieving them.
The Consultant must keep in close communication with the Library Director and/or the assigned staff liaison throughout the project to discuss goal, methods, and Library staff support/participation.Special consideration will be given to proposals that provide an innovative and forward-thinking approach to developing the strategic plan.
- Desired Scope of Services:
HPL encourages proposers to submit their recommended strategy, including alternative deliverables as appropriate, with a work plan and set of deliverables that meet the goals stated. Ideally, the Library would like to have the completed plan by March 2024 in anticipation of the FY 2025 budget development in early 2024.
Please identify in the proposal an ideal timeframe for completing the plan, even if it does not meet the proposed timeline. Also, identify whether HPL’s timeframe can be accomplished and the tradeoffs.
- Project Deliverables:
- Initial Priority Setting Session with Library Management Team (LMT)
Consultant shall facilitate a priority and goal setting workshop with the Director and LMT members as the initial step in the strategic planning process. This workshop will include revisiting the existing priorities and strategic initiatives as well as beginning the development of the go-forward Mission and Vision Statement for the organization. - Mission and Vision Statement Development
The Consultant will lead a workshop with the Director and LMT members to evaluate the current department mission statement and create a vision statement and update the mission statement, if necessary, to broadly capture who we are as an organization and identify the desired direction and/or services and programs to be provided by the department. - Community Needs Assessment
A community needs assessment for Weekes Branch Library has already been completed by the City. However, the needs assessment for the Weekes branch was largely focused on the building, though some broader aspects were discussed. The firm/consultant is expected to perform a needs assessment for the Downtown Library and the Mobile Outreach Division and include integrating the Weekes needs assessment and any updated needs as deemed necessary. The final recommendations should include recommendations for the entire system, including the Weekes branch. - Development of a 3 to 5-year Strategic Plan
The consultant shall develop a framework for HPL and work with all of the Department teams to develop a 3 to 5-year strategic plan, providing measurable, quantifiable goals, and timetables for achievement. The strategic plan should also:- Create a sophisticated approach to assessment and future planning rather than a traditional SWOT analysis.
- Assess existing conditions: How well does the day-to-day work of Library staff align to department’s stated priorities? This assessment should include an analysis of existing Library programs and the staff that support these programs to illustrate where the department is currently spending its resources. This assessment should be in partnership with staff, rather than a top-down evaluation of work performance.
- Recommend strategies to better align staff work with department priorities and community needs and move staff away from work that is not well aligned.
- Review institutional barriers to becoming a responsive and innovative department that can adapt with flexibility as City-wide priorities and library industry trends evolve.
- Suggest reasonable performance metrics to help teams maintain alignment with department priorities.
- Provide guidance for including employees at all levels in future priority setting and policy development to maximize staff buy-in and alignment.
- Project future department demands that could be affected by:
- Community needs
- Future trends in technology including AI
- Trends affecting public libraries in general
- Community organizations that either supplement or complement Library services
- Employee Engagement and Involvement
- Consultant shall facilitate the process and approach for gathering employee input and maintaining ongoing engagement with staff.
- Consultant shall facilitate meetings with the various HPL teams to assess the feasibility of prioritizing and removing tasks and to troubleshoot institutional barriers to getting work done.
- Gathering of data and input must include at least the following surveys, interviews, and community meetings:
- Community-wide survey in English, Spanish, and Chinese, both online and print (translation support will be provided by HPL staff if needed)
- One-on-one meetings with the Mayor, City Manager, Chair of the Library Commission and Library Director
- 2 Stakeholder group meeting
- Community meetings in both the Downtown branch and the Weekes branch
- 1 teen group meeting
- 2 Community meetings in Spanish
- 1 community meeting in Chinese
- 2 Staff meetings
- 1 call for input from youth and children to draw their ideal library/library services
- Performance Monitoring
Consultant shall recommend methodologies for monitoring performance within the framework of the strategic plan that could include the following elements:- Integration of strategic plan priorities and goals within the budget decision-making process. The plan should quantify the financial impacts of the priorities and goals.
- Development of a communications plan for the implementation of the strategic plan.
- Recommended performance measurement metrics.
- Initial Priority Setting Session with Library Management Team (LMT)
- Project Goals:
HPL encourages proposers to submit their recommended strategies for achieving the items outlined above, including desired support from HPL staff. Additionally, proposers may include alternative deliverables as appropriate. Should the vendor’s proposal include additional services that similar organizations have undergone in this process, please list as separate tasks in the proposal.
3.2. Overview of Scope
- Consultant Selection:
- The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals to provide all of the above services.
- Schedule:
- The following provides milestones in the consultant selection process for City of Hayward Library Strategic Plan:
- Electronically submit completed proposals to City of Hayward Library Services at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 to
- City contact short-listed firms on Thursday, November 16, 2023
- Scope and fee negotiation: TBD
- Contract approval by City Council on TBD
- The following provides milestones in the consultant selection process for City of Hayward Library Strategic Plan:
- Proposal Requirements:
- The proposal shall be organized in the following sections:
- Cover letter. The cover letter should identify the primary contact person for your team.
- Team. Identify key members and their qualifications, the primary location where work will be done, and your proposed team organization.
- Experience. Provide descriptions of relevant projects conducted by personnel proposed to work on this project. For each project, identify the client and the client contact for reference, start date, project duration, number of meters, geographic description of service and fee.
- Approach. Identify key project issues in each phase of the project and how they will be addressed.
- Proposed Scope of Services. The proposed scope of services should describe tasks and identify deliverables for the feasibility study as outlined above where applicable.
- Workplan. The workplan should show tasks that you consider important for this project and your estimate of the professional labor hours each month. The workplan shall be presented in tabular form, and is not subject to the 8½ x 11-inch page size limit (but is subject to the 30-page limit).
- Proposed Schedule of Charges. Provide a schedule of charges for labor and expenses that you propose to charge the City on this project. Also, identify labor rates for the particular professional staff you propose will work on this project. The proposed schedule of charges is subject to negotiation prior to contract execution.
- Proposed Budget. Provide the proposed budget based on the workplan and proposed schedule of charges. The proposed schedule of charges is subject to negotiation prior to contract execution. Pricing must be submitted on a “not to exceed” basis. Do not use “TBD” or similar annotations for cost estimates.
- Resumes. Provide resumes for key personnel in Appendices.
- Disclosure. List any vendors that your company has a relationship with in Appendices.
- The proposal shall be organized in the following sections:
- The page limitation applies to sections “b” through “g” of the Proposal Requirements. The proposal cover, divider sheets, resumes and disclosure are not subject to the page limitation. Resumes of key personnel shall be provided in an appendix bound with the proposal.
- If any portion of the City’s standard Professional Services Agreement is unacceptable to your firm, please identify the particular clause(s) in a separate letter to the City submitted with your proposal.
3.3. Interview Format
Interviews will be scheduled if necessary and the format and duration has not been determined. Firms being invited to interview will be informed of the interview format after Tuesday, December 12, 2023
4. Evaluation Criteria
The City will review all proposals received as part of a structured evaluation process. For each decision point in the process, the City will evaluate proposers according to specific criteria and will then elevate a certain number of proposers to compete in the next level.
The sole purpose of the proposal evaluation process is to determine which solution best meets the City’s needs. The evaluation process is not meant to imply that one proposer is superior to any other, but rather that the selected proposer can provide and has proposed the best solution and implementation approach for the City’s current and future Library needs.
A review committee will evaluate all responses to the RFP that meet the submittal requirements and deadline. Submittals that do not meet the requirement or deadline will not be considered. The review committee will rank the proposals and arrange interviews with the finalist prior to selection.
The table below describes the criteria that will be used to review proposals and interview performance. The proposals will be reviewed by City staff. The composition of the interview panel has not been determined; it could consist of the proposal reviewers, individuals that were not formally involved in proposal review and/or officials of partner agencies. The City reserves the right to select a consultant based on written proposals alone (i.e., without an interview). The City also reserves the right to not select a consultant.
1. Qualifications of Firm/Team
- Firm’s experience on similar successful projects
- Educational/training qualifications of team members
- Quality of references
2. Project Understanding
- Scope and workplan consistent with project goals
- Identification of key project success factors
3. Approach
- Approach to key project success factors and scope expected to result in attainment of project goals
- Approach considered cost-effective
4. Responsiveness
- Proposal consistent with RFP
5. Appropriateness of Cost
- Fee within reason given the scope of the project
5. Vendor Submissions
Did you read through and confirm that you met all of the proposal requirements including the sections:
- General Conditions
- Special Provisions and Specifications
If any portion of the City’s standard Professional Services Agreement is unacceptable to your firm, please identify the particular clause(s) in a separate letter to the City submitted with your proposal.
Please Upload your COMPLETE Proposal here, which includes the following:
- Bid Summary
- Statement of Experience and Qualifications
- Non-Collusion Declaration
- Nondiscriminatory Affirmative Action Cert Statement