Location and Context
Glendale Park is located at 3813 East 149th Street, which is within Ward 2 and the Mount Pleasant neighborhood, represented by City Council Member Kevin Bishop. According to The Center for Community Solutions and Cleveland State University's Northern Ohio Data and Information Service, the Mount Pleasant neighborhood has a population of 12,948, of which, more than 95% identified as Black or African American. The mean household income is $36,424. A location map of the park is provided in the Attachments section. A complete renovation of the park began in Fall 2023 and is anticipated to be completed, and re-opened to the public, by Fall 2024. Below is the conceptual site plan for Glendale Park and a few construction photographs for reference.
Public Artwork Theme and Focus Area
The Cleveland Public Art Committee, in authorizing the release of this RFQ, did not identify a theme or focus area for any public artwork. Moreover, artists can proceed in any direction in regards to form, material, and creative design. The only restricted area that public artwork cannot be located is within the recreational field, as shown on the conceptual site plan below.
The all-inclusive budget to complete the Glendale project is $22,597. This all-inclusive budget includes costs related to public engagement; the design, fabrication, and installation of the public artwork; any artist fee; and all other related expenses.