Procurement Portal
IT Assessment
3. Proposal Content and Format
Proposals must address all submission requirements set forth in this RFP, and must describe how the services will be provided. Page limits are noted, when relevant, and assume 81/2 x 11 – inch paper and single-spaced lines. Unless otherwise specified, no particular form is required. In order to be considered for selection and possible contract, the proposal must be complete and include the following. Joint proposals will not be accepted. Proposals that merely offer to provide services as stated in this RFP will be considered non-responsive.
3.1. Proposal Format and Administrative Requirements
Proposals must address all submission requirements and must describe how the services will be provided. Unless otherwise specified, no particular form is required.
3.2. Substantive Requirements
Proposal Content
With the Scope of Work in mind, submit statements of project approach and understanding that include the following:
- A description of the proposed work tasks and activities, the methodology that will be used to accomplish them, and identify the team members who will work on each task.
- A description of the proposed work products that will result from each task or activity.
- A description of any points of input and review with City staff.
- A description of the time frame estimated to complete each task.
- A description of how you will meet the goals of the project and the characteristics described in the scope of work.
- A description of the process or tools required by the scope of work.
- To the extent applicable, a description of and a stated rationale for any proposed alternative approaches to stated objectives of this project.
Contract Price
Submit a cost proposal for the services described under the “Scope of Work” using a fixed deliverables-based pricing model. Include travel and all other anticipated expenses that affect cost, direct or indirect, in the fixed deliverables cost proposal. Break the cost proposal down by each of the deliverables described in the Scope of Work section.
The total cost of the proposal cannot exceed $45,000. While high-quality services are expected, it is acknowledged that financial constraints from the RFP’s fixed budget may necessitate certain limitations or exclusions in service offerings. Therefore, consultants are required to clearly indicate any specific limitations or exclusions in their proposals, as this information will be considered during the evaluation process.